Welcome Parents!

Welcome Parents!

Thank you for supporting your student’s pursuit of international education.  Ceiba’s programs are taught by professors with over 25 years of experience in tropical ecology. Our courses offer in-depth training in tropical conservation and applied ecology. They are a perfect fit for those interested in biology, ecology, environmental studies, and Spanish. We offer a semester-long program every spring and several summer courses.  All Ceiba courses are accredited through the University of Wisconsin – Madison.

Why Invest in Study Abroad?

Studying abroad teaches students about diverse cultures, improves language skills, and opens up numerous personal and career opportunities.

We understand that studying abroad is an expensive once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for many students, and as a parent, you want to be sure that it is a worthy investment!  Studying abroad is a pivotal experience in student’s lives, helping them bring into focus their desired career path and developing marketable skills.  Studying in a foreign country provides students not only with new perspectives and international connections in their area of study, but also with cultural competencies that help them understand the world they live in.  Living in another country presents many personal and intellectual challenges, and students who experience these enjoy heightened social skills, better stress management, more critical thinking, and greater independence.  They also gain valuable language skills and awareness of different cultures.  Such global awareness and international experience is increasingly sought after by employers.

Health and Safety

We take students to the most diverse places on earth, where they will have amazing experiences, and staying safe and healthy while doing so is our top priority!

Ceiba is committed to a safe and positive experience for all program participants.  We partner only with experienced, licensed and insured providers for transportation and lodging.  Host families are carefully screened by the International Programs Office of our partner institution in Ecuador, the Quito San Francisco University.  Students have 24/7 access to program staff trained in handling medical or other emergencies.

Our pre-departure and in-country orientations prepare students for their experience abroad, making sure they have all the required vaccinations and understand the extra precautions they must take when traveling abroad.  We thoroughly discuss safety issues like food and water, disease risks, altitude sickness, and crime.  We emphasize the importance of situational awareness and personal responsibility.  Through enrollment at UW-Madison, students will automatically receive health insurance through Cultural Insurance Services International (CISI). We provide a 24/7 emergency contact card with numbers for UW Study Abroad and Ceiba staff based in both the US and Ecuador.

For more detail on Health & Safety, including our Covid-19 protocols and risk assessment procedures, please click the button below.

Health & Safety Details


We partner with the world-class Study Abroad team at the University of Wisconsin to guarantee our students have top notch support -- before, during, and after their program