The Ceiba Blog

Celebrating Ecuador’s (bio)Diversity: the Coast, Andes, Amazon, and Galapagos

Ceiba has spent two decades working to conserve Ecuador’s endemic species, stunning landscapes and fragile ecosystems by partnering with local landowners and incentivizing sustainability. The work is never ending, but it is rewarding and necessary. ...

Celebrating Ceiba’s Research: Camera Trap Monitoring

Ceiba for years has actively monitored wildlife at the Lalo Loor Dry Forest Reserve using camera traps hidden throughout the 490 acre reserve. The goal is to detect the presence of rare or secretive animals, ...

Celebrating Ceiba’s Alumni: Jamie Hogberg

Jamie Hogberg is a 2009 alum of Ceiba Foundation’s Tropical Conservation Semester. In a recent interview, she explained how her experience studying abroad with Ceiba ignited her passion and dedication to a career in conservation. ...

Celebrating Ceiba’s History: 20 Years of Tropical Conservation

The Ceiba Foundation began with the realization that dedicated, energetic people can make a difference in the world.  In the 1990s, I volunteered in Paraguay with a small group of conservationists who lacked formal training ...

Celebrating Conservation: Biosphere Reserve Saves Cloud Forests!

Thanks to the coordinated effort of dozens of conservation organizations and small reserves in Ecuador, including the Ceiba Foundation and the El Pahuma Orchid Reserve, the United Nations has declared a new World Biosphere Reserve ...

Let Me Tell You ‘Bout the Birds and the Bees … and Iguanas

In Galapagos there is courtship in the air.  The 2018 Tropical Conservation Semester is in the midst of a three week tour of these world-famous islands, and everywhere we go we see Blue-footed Boobies displaying ...

King of the Jungle (actually, Queen)

The  2018 Tropical Conservation Semester spent an amazing two weeks in the Amazon rainforest of Ecuador, and had the incredible good fortune of spotting a jaguar (Panthera onca) on our final day!  The top predator ...

Cold and Wet, and Happy, in the High Andes

Students come to Ecuador and join the Tropical Conservation Semester program to explore the amazing diversity of ecosystems this country has to offer, to immerse themselves in local culture, and to experience first hand the unique ...

Tropical Conservation Semester Spreads its Wings

Like a caterpillar spending months gathering its energies to become a butterfly, students on the 2018 Tropical Conservation Semester have been packing, buying gear, practicing Spanish, and completing a hundred other preparations, readying themselves to emerge from ...

Kapok Annual Newsletter 2017

2017 Annual Newsletter November 2017 download PDF   Table of Contents Earthquake Recovery Recovery from Disaster Catalyzes Positive Change Relief and Recovery Fund Summary 2016-2017  Coastal Dry Forest Producing Science, and Food, at Lalo Loor ...