Tropical Conservation Semester Application Form

Are you ready for the learning adventure of a lifetime?

Don’t just sleep all day in your tree.  You’re just a couple of forms away from packing your binoculars, mask, and snorkel, and journeying to Ecuador!

Please have the following materials ready before filling out the form:

  • Name, address, and email for two academic or work references
  • Statement of interest – see essay question in the form below
  • Note: for privacy and security reasons, you cannot save this form and return to it later.


Step One: Ceiba Application

  • Your Contact Information

  • Prerequisites

  • How many university classes in biology (zoology, botany, ecology, envi sci, etc.) have you taken, including this semester? Note that you must have one such class to apply.
  • How many semesters of Spanish have you taken (college & high school)? Note that prior Spanish is not required to apply.
  • First Academic or Professional Reference

    Ceiba will contact your references to inquire about your preparedness for the program, including your academic background, professional experiences, and any other relevant activities. Below, please provide two references who can comment knowledgeably about you.
  • Second Academic or Professional Reference

  • Statement of Interest

    You may compose your essay in a separate file, and paste it below. Do not close this window or you will lose your previously entered responses.

    How would the program contribute to your personal and/or professional goals, and how would your participation contribute to the program's success? You may mention any prior experiences you would like us to consider in evaluating your application. (500 words max.)
  • Certification and Signature

    I certify that the information I have provided in this application is true and correct and understand that my application will not be given full consideration until all required application materials are received by Ceiba. I understand that providing false information constitutes grounds for immediate expulsion from this program without refund.

    I understand that the Tropical Conservation Semester program to which I am applying entails physically rigorous activities and potentially stressful environments, including but not limited to: hiking in mountainous terrain and at high altitude, outdoor activity in extreme sun, heat, and humidity, open water swimming, exposure to insects, camping, and rustic field living conditions that lack electricity and modern sanitation. By signing below I acknowledge that I am aware of these conditions, and declare that I am sufficiently physically fit and emotionally prepared to participate in the program.

    Ceiba is a nonprofit corporation under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue code, and does not discriminate on the basis of age, sex, gender, religion, race, or ethnic origin.
  • By entering your name, you agree to the statements above.
  • MM slash DD slash YYYY
  • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.

Step Two: University of Wisconsin

Please remember that applying to the Tropical Conservation Semester is a two-step process.  After you have submitted the Ceiba form above, please go to the University of Wisconsin program page and click the Apply Now button to complete the UW application.  Already finished their application?  Congratulations, you’re done!

Acceptances will be sent out approximately one week after the application deadline.  Once accepted, you will receive detailed information about enrollment, and preparing for departure.  Until then, sit tight!

UW Program Page